Book a Time to Speak with Us

Hi there!

I help parents learn how to confidently travel and worldschool their children so they can live the life of their dreams as thriving global citizens.

I look forward to our chat so we can get to know each other better and explore if my super-comprehensive and well-loved How to Worldschool & Travel Extensively as a Family program is a good fit for you. Or perhaps 1:1 coaching would work better for you.

Please choose a time for us to meet that you're very certain you can make. Add it to your calendar afterward so you don't forget. You'll also get a couple of reminder emails. I will personally be meeting with you and very much looking forward to it!

Thanks and happy trails!

Lizz Quain

Founder and Worldschooling Parent at Trailblazing Families

All times shown are in your local time.